Wednesday, January 21, 2009

#1 - Experiments

Success: Today I tried making Rosemary Lemon Chicken from I Found Happy. My siblings demanded that I use chicken breasts instead of thighs, so it turned out to be drier than if I had gone with thighs, but it was still delicious.

In addition, the garlic mashed potatoes I made to go along with it per recommendation of the recipe were fantastic. Khursten advised me to steep some garlic in melted butter and mix that in with the potatoes and it turned out great. Do try it next time you've got potatoes lying around! My sister and her boyfriend dubbed me "Iron Chef" of the house for these, seriously.

Failure (mostly): I also tried making a panini just using a regular iron skillet for lunch, but I don't think I used enough cheese. In any case, you only need three or four ingredients to make a delicious panini:

- A good quality loaf of sourdough or ciabatta rolls
- A fresh ball of mozzarella
- Good quality bacon
- Any type of sliced meat, or sliced tomatoes.

My 20th birthday is coming up and I might ask for a grill pan. They're so multi-purpose, I can't wait to get those lovely grill marks for my next attempts.


  1. Ah! *A*) You used my recipe!

    I'm so proud of this!! YAY YOU FOR FOOD BLOGGING! >w<)v

  2. Hehe! Thanks Khursten!! <333

  3. ShouYume here- this chicken looks scrumptious! It looks like a great success!

  4. Congrats Iron Chef! I'm glad you liked the flavor of the chicken. My main suggestion when using breast meat would be to not overcook (which can be a challenge). I remove from heat as it's barely got any pink left and allow it to sit AT LEAST 5 minutes. It will continue to cook and the juices will all soak back into the meat instead of trying to escape through the surface.

    I wish you continued success in the kitchen. And welcome to food blogging :)

  5. That looks lovely~. :3

    Also- Takako is my sister's name!

    (And no- I did NOT just follow you from Hetalia!LJ Community or anything)

  6. Jeni: Thank you so much for the advice! My mother complained about the use of breast meat, so I'll try that trick next time and see if it works better.

    Hiro: Thanks! I'm surprised people still think of me there, I haven't posted in a while. XD
